ViaSource Solutions

EMAIL and CHAT 24/7

Importance of Customer Service

ViaSource Solutions's integrated email and chat response solution allows us to represent our clients easily and quickly with customers while creating a positive online experience. Through our web-based email and chat platform we are usually able to integrate and deploy with our clients' e-commerce or CRM system.

Whether you are focused on increasing sales, or providing effective online customer support, while reducing costs, our email and chat response solution will do the job.

ViaSource Solutions successfully provides multi-channel customer interaction hubs for clients who desire call deflection, chat growth and improved email response time. Our email and chat response solutions can be tailored to meet your on-demand customer service needs.

email Solution

ViaSource Solutions's email response solution contains a skills-based routing mechanism that directs incoming emails to the appropriate agent who works with preformatted answers in an information repository for rapid response. Additional email features include:

  • 5 minute or less response
  • E mail history
  • Auto response for inbound mail
  • Spell check and international characters
  • Response libraries
  • Transfer capabilities to Tier 2 responders, etc.

Web-based reporting is also available from our email system. Specific data elements such as department, agent and customer activity can be reported on as often as you would like.

Chat Solution

ViaSource Solutions's chat solution is a web-based collaboration tool that enables agents to exchange instant, secure messages with customers. Answers to common questions are just a click away! The chat application provides a real-time queue of incoming chats accepted by support agents. The agent's response can be scripted through a library or typed freely by the agent. Additional chat features include:

  • 5 minute or less response
  • Pre-chat customer form
  • bility to print or email transcript
  • Exit survey
  • Queue position notification
  • Spell check and international characters

Web-based reporting for chat transactions can be exported in HTML, XML, CSV or to the printer.

Our email and chat response offering is easy to implement, requires minimal training, and pays for itself immediately through call deflection.