1NW Contact, LLC

News Archive:

Factors to consider when outsourcing customer service

Many businesses find outsourcing customer service to U.S.-based inbound call centers to be beneficial, but some thought needs to be put into such a decision. Continue reading

The lesser-known benefits of outsourcing call center services

Virtual call centers and the At-Home Customer Service Rep are still relatively new concepts and many companies are still unsure if they should outsource customer service to off-site workers. Continue reading

Respect your customers by giving them a positive phone experience

Many customers would argue that a positive experience with a call center employee is worth more than saving money on a product or service. Continue reading

Offshoring call center jobs could compromise consumer data

In recent years, many industries — including call center providers — have chosen to run their operations outside of the United States, but offshoring call center jobs can be a risky endeavor.  Continue reading

Five keys to improving the customer experience: Leverage customer insights from across the enterprise

In this final part of the series, we look at how leveraging customer insights from across the enterprise can improve your contact center and create a better customer experience. Continue reading

Five keys to improving the customer experience: Optimize your workforce

Businesses must optimize their workforce to improve their service efforts and enhance the customer experience.  Continue reading

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