1NW Contact, LLC

News Archive:

Study shows why you can trust at home call center representatives

Only 11 percent of at-home workers had committed ethics violations in a two-year period, compared to 36 percent of bricks and mortar call center agents. Continue reading

Banks must reinvent the way they provide customer support

Part of the problem is that banks haven’t properly adapted to today’s highly connected world in which customers expect to get excellent customer service whenever and however they need it. Continue reading

3 ways to deliver smart customer support

In a recent article published on the Forbes website, MindTouch, a cloud-based platform for knowledge collaboration and multi-channel delivery of customer support documentation, shared some smart customer service tips that all companies can benefit from. Continue reading

Comcast vows to improve notoriously bad customer service

Following the recent acquisition of Time Warner Cable, Comcast is actively working to improve its notoriously bad customer service, reports CBS News. Continue reading

Exceptional customer service can yield unique benefits for startups

Customer service is important for businesses of all sizes, but it can yield some unique benefits for startups. Continue reading

How important is great customer service?

Recently, Invesp, the creators of a tool that helps companies with AB testing, Website landing page optimization, customer behavioral targeting and more, published an infographic that focuses on just how important it is for businesses to provide great customer service. Continue reading

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