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3 ways poor customer service can negatively impact your company
Compare Business Products, a company that provides comprehensive and objective business product information to buyers at small, medium and large enterprises, recently published a report that focuses on the effects of poor customer service. According to the source, poor customer service can negatively impact companies of all sizes by:
Decreasing customer growth – Studies have shown that consumers are likely to complain about poor experiences they have with brands by venting on social media outlets. Once the word gets out that a company doesn't treat its customers well, it may become more difficult to bring in new business.
Increasing customer turnover – "Customers have indicated that customer service is one of the critical factors in their choice of brand," states the source. "If customer service is poor they will leave. Customers have higher expectations than ever before and they will change brands in 70 percent of cases if agents cannot respond to them [...] Sixty-two percent changed brands during the last year as a direct result of customer service."
Leading to employee dissatisfaction – The report reveals that employee turnover is higher at companies that are known for having poor customer service. At the end of the day, employees have less motivation to stick with a company that has a bad reputation.
Don't let poor customer service negatively affect your company. Consider outsourcing customer service to a domestic inbound call center. With an outsourced customer service program in place, you'll gain peace of mind knowing that there are highly trained professionals providing exceptional service to your customers whenever they need it.
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