1NW Contact, LLC

Study finds 34 percent of U.S. companies want to invest in At-Home agents

At-home agents are more productive.

More and more businesses are recognizing the advantages of the At-Home business model, according to a Forrester report, cited in Talk Desk's blog. Forrester estimates that 34 percent of U.S. companies want to invest in at-home agents. New call center technology, allowing agents to make calls from home with only a computer and headset, has contributed significantly to the model's growth.

Many businesses are now switching to an at-home model and outsourcing their customer service solutions to a specialized provider. Here are some of the benefits of making this switch: 

1.) Lower costs. Employing an at-home workforce lowers costs without compromising quality. New call center technology, utilizing a browser-based system, allows agents to make calls to customers. The only requirements are a computer, internet connection and headset. Highly affordable, this software is also effective. All agents are connected to their supervisor and managers and often to each other, regardless of physical location.

2.) High-quality employees. With an at-home model, the quality of your employees increases. As you're able to draw from an expanded pool of candidates, you can select the most responsible and productive representatives. Additionally, when you partner with a customer service contact center, the company will find representatives whose credentials meet your clientele's specific needs.

3.) Reduced agent turnover. At-home call center agents are more satisfied with their work. We previously detailed some of the reasons for this, including increased flexibility, control over their workspace and not having to deal with hassles such as daily commuting. 

Outsourcing your customer service solutions improves their quality, as well as saves your company time and money. To improve your company's customer service solutions and customer retention, consider working with a onshore customer service contact center that embraces the At-Home Agent business model. 


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