1NW Contact, LLC

Outsourcing as a means of ensuring high scores in customer experience

A long history of satisfaction is one way for your customer service system to prove its skills and seriousness.

Outsourcing customer service to a reliable provider is an excellent tactic to ensure that your business delivers a consistently positive customer experience for a long time. There's a lot to be gained from having a reliable history to draw upon when you talk about what your contact center has accomplished over the years.

NBC recently reported on one particular call center based in Philadelphia that is celebrating a milestone after five years of serving as answering service for the city government. According to the source, the official Philly 311 Call Center has received six million calls since it was first launched, as recorded by the end of last year.

The source quoted the deputy manager of the center, named Rich Negrin, on the benefits this service has brought.

"It's really City Hall in the palm of your hand," he said. "You call that one number, easy to remember – 311. You don't even need to know anybody at City Hall to get things done. This is about treating our citizens like customers."

Local contact centers like this can face many challenges when they are called in to help with a larger existing system. One of the most visible examples of this right now is the customer service setup for MNsure, Minnesota's health insurance system, which was noted as having extremely bad customer waiting times in the last quarter of 2013.

Consider directing a portion of your call volume Devote the right amount of time to an outsourced call center today, and you might take the first steps to a establishing a history of exceptional customer service resulting in high customer satisfaction scores, long-lasting record of calls, perhaps one even as long as Philly 311.


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